Moments of Magic Award
This award is aimed at recognising colleagues who go above and beyond in providing a great service which makes a difference to those around them.
The 2019 winner was David Cleford, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
"David works as a Library Assistant within the Library and Knowledge Services.
Several cohorts of doctors from China were on placement in the Trust and a short introduction to the Library and its services was delivered as part of this. David got involved by showing the initial cohort around the library and explaining the services. Because the doctors had been introduced to David they felt comfortable in asking him questions.
This first cohort told him about their WhatsApp Group (‘Wechat’) and invited him to join. David did this and, out of working hours, he answered their queries about Hull and Yorkshire in general from dialect to directions such as please don’t go walking down a particular street alone at night.
Subsequent groups have been added to the ‘Wechat’ group and David has continued to answer their queries as well. David is in daily contact with the group guiding and advising on the nuances of Hull and to a certain degree the Trust on things such as how do they get WiFi (an interesting subject at this Trust) or where do they catch the bus between hospital sites.
David has gone above and beyond to accommodate the needs of these library service users."
David is described by colleagues as: Conscientious, Caring, Compassionate
Leadership Award
This award aims to recognise excellent leadership skills at any level of seniority regardless of whether the nominee has a formal management role.
The 2019 winner was Helen Rotherforth, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
"Since stepping into the role of leading her library service, Helen has been proactive in seeking the support of colleagues from other organisations to help her to develop her confidence, skills and knowledge.
The sheer volume of enthusiasm and stamina she has shown over a short period of time is inspiring and demonstrates her professional commitment and unique leadership style. Helen has also motivated and supported her team to undertake CPD - through shadowing of colleagues in other library services, attending courses to gain new skills and successfully pursuing ACLIP registration.
Helen is a natural leader and manager, who inspires those around her with her ‘positive can do’ attitude. She has been keen to hear suggestions from both her own team and colleagues from outside her organisation to find solutions and implement changes to solve issues she is faced with in a very pragmatic fashion, such as reviewing and creating job descriptions and undertaking recruitment of new staff for the first time.
She has also empowered members of her team to suggest and implement improvements which have had a positive impact on library service awareness with her stakeholders and potential, current and lapsed users."
Helen is described by colleagues as: Inspirational, Proactive, Professional
Innovation Award
This award recognises the investigation, adoption, implementation and evaluation of new ways of delivering LKS.
The 2019 winner of this award was Jenny Emmel, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
"Jenny is adapt at finding innovative ways of engaging with and raising the awareness of library services to either Trust nursing staff, or Trust managers. Jenny successfully launched a programme of ‘working lunch’ sessions which are aimed at managers on a variety of themes providing the opportunity to have a conversation away from the workplace. The sessions have proven extremely successful. The profile of the ‘working lunch’ programme has reached the Trust’s Executive Team, with the Trust’s Chief Medical Officer and Chief Execution both delivering a session.
Jenny was successfully in engaging with the Trust’s corporate team responsible for the ‘Lean for leaders’ staff training programme, purchasing books on the reading list in both electronic and hard copy and then creating a catalogue of QR codes to make the e-books more accessible and searchable by learners.
Jenny also engaged with the Staff Health & Well-being Team to promote the value of libraries in supporting the Trust’s staff health and well-being agenda, successfully bidding for funding to purchase ‘mood boosting’ and ‘mindfulness’ stock for the library service and securing a library stall at the yearly health and well-being week events, which has been a fantastic way for the library service to get out and meet current and potential users.
Jenny is currently working with Trust’s Research & Innovation Team to develop an exciting new research course jointly run by library and R&I staff to support staff in developing research."
Jenny is described by colleagues as: Inspirational, Hard Working, Collaborative
Engagement Award
This award recognises colleagues who are fully engaged with the organisation(s), network, or wider library community for which they provide services, and immerse themselves in the process of responding to these priorities and needs.
The 2019 winner was Sarah Gardner, Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
"This award is presented to Sarah for her contribution to the development of the "Northern Lights" newsletter for the Northern LKS Network.
Since the decision was made to replace the former North West LIHNNK-Up publication with a North-wide primarily digital newsletter, Sarah has volunteered her services on the editorial board as representative of the Yorkshire and Humber area.
She has fought for greater representation of the Yorkshire & Humber region in the publication, driving the editorial focus from a North West to a wider Northern perspective.
Sarah taken every opportunity to engage with the local network to raise awareness of the publication and the need for local staff to be involved with it. Sarah has worked to identify potential authors and encouraged them to follow ideas through to publication, including issuing reminders to keep them on task."
Sarah is described by colleagues as Persuasive, Driven, Enthusiastic
Director's Award
This award is presented by David Stewart, Director of Health Libraries North to recognise a colleague who has made a significant contribution to YOHHLNet or library and knowledge services in the region.
The 2019 winner of the award is: Daniel Froste, Library Lead, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
"Daniel is quite new to the NHS, to library management and to our network – but what an impression he has made in a very short time!
When I visited and his team for the first time I was bowled over by his enthusiasm and passion for the team and his service and his instant friendly outgoing way of dealing with the world. It was half-term – the library was full and people were coming and going all through my visit.
Dan has got knowledge management and patient information initiatives underway as well as a complete redesign of the library – including 24-hour access - sorted out in the less than two years he has been in post.
It isn’t just me and my team that are hugely impressed – the Trust has awarded Dan the individual, non-clinical “Heart Award” for 2019:
He has worked as library lead for 18 months and has been nominated for transforming the library service. Daniel won external funding which was used to refurbish the library. The new library was completed in May 2018. Daniel has received positive feedback from staff about the new library. He supports staff and students on a daily basis in a variety of ways, especially through literature search training. Due to the development of new services, the library is now rated at 98 per cent compliant with the Health Education England annual Library Quality Assurance Framework audit. Daniel has won additional funding to make the library accessible 24/7, a project he is currently working on. Fantastic work Daniel!
Over lunch today Dan’s line manager told me that Dan was an amazing addition to the team, that he has transformed library services in the Trust – and that the Chief Executive now brought new Board members to visit the library on their first day.
So, I would like to congratulate Dan on his achievements – I know there will be many, many more!"
- David Stewart