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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Health Libraries North


Searching beyond the Knowledge and Library Hub

Adam Tocock (Library Services Manager, The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) will take attendees on a

tour through the recently updated National Searching Guidance. Adam will explain where to find the guide, how

the guide was compiled and how it can be used. Adam is also keen to hear if any participants have used the guide,

and if there is anything they would like to see included in future versions of the guide.

Event Date: 24 November 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Closing Date: Bookings closed

Category: Regional CPD Event

Trainer: Adam Tocock

About the trainer:

Adam Tocock is Library Services Manager at the Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He is also leader of the

National Searching Guidance Working Group, Chair of the London Searching and Training Forum and Co-Chair of the

Sustainability in NHS KLS Community of Practice.

Location: Teams