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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Hi from Zara - New starter at Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Hi, my name is Zara Andrews. I joined the Library and Evidence Research Centre at Leeds General Infirmary in April this year, as a receptionist. This is my first time working in the NHS libraries, but I have been enjoying the challenges it brings, and the people I meet.…

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Nurturing nature by nurturing yourself!

Few months ago, when I completed my Carbon Literacy training; I was thinking about the pledge I needed to make so I can help to initiate steps at work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I was brainstorming on it when my manager asked me if I want to be a part of Seed Library project. For me it was the first step to give my pledge a chance to be executed in way which will not be limited to the workplace only.…

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Do you see what I see?

Trying to work out how to teach library skills in an engaging way is an ongoing mission for lots of us. My latest attempt at thinking about why we need to consider alternate terms when we search involved shaking down my 3 year old niece for some of her beautiful drawings (don’t worry, I actually just asked her if she would mind me using them in my classes; also checked with her parents; and only photographed them so they could keep and treasure the works of art forever.)…

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The HLG Conference: A Bursary Goer's Experience

I am very grateful to have received a bursary from YOHHLNet, allowing me to attend the HLG conference last month. I had an amazing time, learned a great deal, and had the opportunity to meet fellow NHS librarians from Scotland to Cornwall. I could also be there for the two posters I had submitted – a surreal experience to see them on the big screens! – which meant the sweat, tears and hair-pulling involved in the research projects to create them was far outweighed by the sense of pride at seeing my posters next to the amazing quality of work produced by other librarians.…

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