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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Tom Cudbertson - Hull University Teaching Hospitals - New Starter

Hello everyone, my name is Tom Cudbertson. I am brand new to libraries, although not to the NHS, having previously worked as an MDT Assistant in oncology, as a Medical Secretary and in Medical Records at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. When the opportunity to work in the Trust library appeared I reflected on myself and my skills, deciding to apply and fortunately being successful. I am enjoying learning about how health libraries work and the many different roles there are within them. I am currently building my customer service skills to make sure library users have a positive experience.…

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Delivering an EBM package

The Library and Knowledge Service at East Cheshire NHS Trust has always offered sessions in topics such as evidence search, critical appraisal etc. The majority of these sessions delivered were 1:1 in…

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Multi-site Delivery

Once every two years Keyll Darree Library run a user needs analysis survey. We pride ourselves on how responsive we are to feedback, and this year due to user comments we created a multi-site delivery system.…

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Finding out what our users need from library and knowledge services post-pandemic

In March 2020 when the impact of the pandemic was starting to become clear, the Library and Knowledge Services at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust closed the physical library space and the team began to work from home. Many of the services we were running were carrying on as before; with the Trust being spread over a large geographical area we’d been delivering some services virtually or remotely for a long time.…

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Care Club Volunteer

Care Club is a scheme in our Trust where colleagues volunteer to work in clinical areas that are short staffed or need additional help and I have been a member for a couple of years.…

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HLG 75, October 2022: January Reflections

October last year might feel like ages ago, even though it’s really only a few weeks – Bolton is one of those Trusts where a lot happens in a week. Since the week of January when I’m writing this is known to be one of the toughest in the work calendar, I thought I’d cheer myself up by reflecting on HLG75, which I was able to attend in October courtesy of a LIHNN travel grant.…

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