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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Hello from Tracey Garbarino - New starter

Hello everyone, my name is Tracey Garbarino. I have many years’ experience of working in school libraries from Carlisle, the Great Border City to Ho Chi Minh City. I am passionate about continuous learning, have a thirst for knowledge and am a firm believer in collaboration being the key to success.…

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Going the distance. Ten tips for getting from research idea to published paper

This is a reflection on the process of getting from research idea to published paper. I should say from the start that this isn’t a journey taken by an experienced research professional. There were a few potholes on the way, and I hit them all. The motivation for this enterprise? Of course, a thirst for knowledge, but primarily the Quality Improvement Outcome Framework Outcome Five. If you don’t know this is the one that requires our services to be evidence based and encourages research. As this reflection is focused on process, not content, I will explain the research idea here and then move on. The idea was to record audio feedback on research results and post a link to the audio in an eMail. The aim to make our communication with end users, who almost always contacted us via eMail, more informative and engaging. The project was rather unimaginatively called the Audio Feedback Project. So, in the tradition of the blog genre, here are 10 things I learned.…

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Bringing the Knowledge and Information Specialist role to Primary Care in Leeds

In June 2021, the Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) Library, in conjunction with the Leeds Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub, submitted a joint expression of interest to Health Education England (HEE) to become a pilot site to have funding for a Knowledge Specialist in Primary Care. The bid was successful, and Ingrid Francis came into the post (funded for two years) in November 2021. Whilst other pilot sites across the country have system (ICS) wide coverage, our pilot is place based – we have a Training Hub for Leeds, and the Knowledge Specialist role is for Leeds.…

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Anatomy TV Promotion at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals

Last year we acquired a new resource called Anatomy TV. We wanted to raise awareness of this new resource and encourage usage so we devised a marketing plan to help us do this. We decided to focus on what the user could achieve by using this resource, rather than just simply telling them they have access to it. The message we wanted to convey was “Improve your knowledge of anatomy”. We thought this would appeal to staff wanting to update their existing knowledge and also to students needing to learn anatomy for their studies.…

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Compassionate Chasing

Trigger warning - this article contains references to suicide For information and support about mental health please visit: What is the impact of extremely overdue books? This time last year, our first thoughts would probably have been: • Cost of replacement • Staff time, and • Other users unable to loan the item…

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Black History Month and Show Racism the Red Card in Northumbria Trust Libraries

Black History Month (BMH) was founded over 30 years ago to recognise the contributions that people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to the UK over many generations. Now it has expanded to include the history of black people in general. For many years our library service has celebrated Black History Month with displays of posters and an increasing collection of books either written by BAME authors or about diversity topics. This year our BHM offer was embedded in the Trust’s celebrations over the month, and in the campaign which they ran to Show Racism the Red Card on 22 October. We were invited to join the steering group for SRRC which enabled a fit between our offer and publicity through the Trust’s Communications department.…

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Hello from Georgia Coupe - New starter

Hello all, I'm Georgia a new starter at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. I joined the team as a Library Assistant at the start of this year, making a change from previously having worked as a Library Assistant in public libraries. I have a split role assisting the operational & clinical teams here at LTH, working across both the Preston & Chorley sites. I’m really enjoying the variety undertaking the split role offers & looking forward, I am excited by the opportunity to be involved in a new sustainability group within the trust. Georgia Coupe Library Assistant Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust…

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