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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Service Update for East Cheshire NHS Trust

Last year we said goodbye to our full time library assistant, Laura Sharpe who after 3 years with theTrust has moved on to an HR undergraduate scheme.  We welcomed our new library assistant Susan Camp to the library team in October.…

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Developing effective networks for change and improvement

Last year I did an online course on Developing Effective Networks for Change and Improvement #DEN4CI delivered by Source for Networks and London South Bank University. Here I want to highlight the resources available on the website and the course that you might find useful in your networks.…

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Service Update for Blackpool Hospitals NHS FT

This has been a difficult year for the Library at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals with 2 members of staff (including the Manager) on long term sick leave since June 2019. However, it has not diminished our attempts to continually improve the service for our patrons. A number of initiatives and developments have taken place and led to an improved service and experience for the users of the Library.…

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Service update for Barnsley Hospital NHS FT

We hosted a World Book Day event on Thursday 7 March 2019 where Barnsley Hospital consultant Rheumatologist Dr Ade Adebajo discussed the recently published 5th edition of his book ‘ABC of Rheumatology’. The event was well attended by staff and medical students.…

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