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Library Knowledge Services (North)

FADE to grey

The Northern Libraries’ grey literature course took place in March 2019, delivered by Jo Hopper, organised by the Knowledge for Healthcare CPD Group and attended by librarians from all over the Northern region – it was a very informative course and I learned a lot from it.…

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Did we get a grasp of CASP?

Between the 6th and the 8th March 2019 a truckload of librarians and knowledge specialists from across the North headed to Lancaster for an intense three-day train-the-trainer course on the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). In this post some of the participants share their initial reflections on the training.…

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Graduate Library and Knowledge Services Trainee – Three Month Summary

My name is Amy Clancy and I am documenting my year as a graduate trainee at Greater Manchester Mental Health and Cheshire Wirral Partnership. I am now three months into my graduate trainee year, and it’s hard to believe I am already a quarter of the way through! In this blog post I’ll discuss changes that have occurred within my role since my last post, as well as reflect on my first three months as a graduate trainee.…

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Not quite seven stories

This year the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum was held at Seven Stories: The National Centre for Children’s Books in Newcastle. It was an instant hit with the organising committee and conference…

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The more things change the more they stay the same – a library view

At the heart of the modern library service are information sharing and collaboration. We may think that modern IT infrastructure and the migration of evidence to an online environment is what really drives this forward. But is this right? Is the 21st century approach really that different from the experience of our library colleagues of days past?…

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Customer Experience

A report from the Library Assistants Study Day on 6th November 2018 by Lorna Goudie (Aintree Library) and Julie Potter (JET Library)…

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