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Library Knowledge Services (North)

One to one virtual training sessions – learning as we go

One to one virtual training sessions – learning as we go As we are now unable to go out in person to deliver training in people’s workplaces and our training room is currently full of furniture removed from the library to ensure social distancing we realised that our only option was to deliver our training virtually.…

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New Starter - Flora Chatt, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals

Having graduated with a History degree, I decided very quickly that I wanted to work in a library or archive setting. I’ve previously worked mostly in archives, first helping to organise the newly formed collection at Greene King (the brewing company) before moving on to a graduate traineeship at the Oxford University Archives. I moved up to the north west recently to start studying a part time MA in Archives and Records Management at the University of Liverpool.…

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New starter at York and our Health Information Week summary

This is a bit of a late ‘new starter’ post, as I actually started all the way back at the beginning of February! In my defence, it has been a very strange year…My name is Kathryn Aylward and I’m the new Assistant Librarian at York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.…

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Public Health Resource Centre - Yearly update

In October 2019, Andy Moore joined the team from Leeds Public Libraries. His new role is a two year post as Digital Projects Officer and he will be working on three projects: to create digital content that share key public health messages with workforce; to update the PHRC website; and to make improvements to the PHRC’s library management system. In December, Sally Hughes started as our Health Improvement Resource Assistant. Sally arrives from Leeds Public Libraries and her roles in the PHRC are dealing with customer enquiries, issuing stock, compiling leaflet & poster orders, promoting campaigns and running our Instagram account and then of course there will be lots of project work that will come up to get stuck into.…

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Update on changes and our year from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (PCFT) Knowledge Service

We are now a team of 4 people. Administrator (Matt Johnson), Knowledge Specialist:Liaison Lead (Rosalind McNally), Knowledge Specialist:Quality (Laura Jeffreys), Knowledge Specialist:Outreach (Stephen Edwards). Stephen started working with the team in December, 2019. Laura Jeffreys went on maternity leave in May this year. So our staffing is currently reduced. When the pandemic started a number of us also volunteered for the essential work created. At the time of writing we are now all back in our usual roles. In the last 12 months we have also had to respond to the changes at PCFT. The Trust no longer includes community services, and took the decision to become a Mental Health & Learning Disability Trust.…

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