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Library Knowledge Services (North)

HLG 75, October 2022: January Reflections

October last year might feel like ages ago, even though it’s really only a few weeks – Bolton is one of those Trusts where a lot happens in a week. Since the week of January when I’m writing this is known to be one of the toughest in the work calendar, I thought I’d cheer myself up by reflecting on HLG75, which I was able to attend in October courtesy of a LIHNN travel grant.…

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Hello from Jodie Reeve - New Starter

Hello, my name is Jodie and I have recently joined the team at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as a Trainee Knowledge and Resource Librarian. So far I have had a terrific start and I am looking forward to learning more about the role and all it entails.…

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Mobilising Evidence and Knowledge to support informed decision making in Clinical Informatics

I work within the Clinical Governance team at NHS Digital. We recently organised the NHS Clinical Informatics Congress. In addition to providing management support to the event I was responsible for the exhibitor’s area, encouraging and assisting our clinicians to produce poster presentations to showcase their work at the congress. I was keen to lead by example and take the opportunity to present my own work and showcase how knowledge management is embedded in clinical informatics at NHS Digital.…

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Knowledge mobilisation and impact on Patient Care - Working like a dog: exploring the Role of Animal-Assisted Therapy.

‘Wag & Company’, a charity which provides animal assisted therapy to older people, was launched in May 2016. The Charity matches and enables professionally assessed volunteers and their dogs, known as ‘Visiting Wag Teams’, to safely offer one to two hour visits per week to older people in a variety of different settings across the North East region. The initiative to investigate the benefits of pet therapy at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust first came from a ward based therapy team working on the elderly care unit to help patients with dementia. Information gathered from the wider literature revealed evidence to support the benefits of ‘Animal Assisted Therapy’ in helping to reduce anxiety, improve physical health, cognitive function and overall health and well-being.…

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Training Course Reflection: Supporting Researchers

The ‘Supporting Researchers’ course was organised and funded by Health Education England and run by Dr Maria Grant and Lisa Jeskins. The course ran over 4 weeks and there were several cohorts you could join. My cohort ran from 24th October – 15th November 2022. The first week we were asked to take part in a flipped classroom, which was followed-up in the second week by a webinar on Microsoft Teams. This format was repeated in weeks 3 and 4. The first part focused on taking stock of the things that our library service already does to support researchers, while the second part helped us to take a step back in order to work out how to pull our support offer into a coherent strategy, underpinned by SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timebound) objectives and aligned with our library’s and organisation’s strategies. There were plenty of opportunities for us to share ideas and to practise writing SMART objectives.…

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