Current Awareness
The list below gives details of current awareness bulletins currently being produced by NHS Knowledge and Library Services across England.
It is managed by voluntary submission of this form, with an annual audit. We do not review bulletin content. For further information on specific bulletins, please contact the authoring library.
This is a sign-posting service for library staff to see what bulletins are being created and how they can be used and/or reused by your service to save time and spread expertise. Libraries are often unable to manage sign-ups from individuals not at their organisation. If you are not a member of library staff, please contact your local NHS library to discuss access to bulletins and current awareness services.
Please report any dead links to the
The full list can be viewed here (updated 10/1/25)
How it can be reused |
User sign up = Service can sign your user up directly. |
Send to use, with credit = Can be sent to the library for circulation, but please credit them. |
Can circulate = Happy for the library service to circulate. |
Repurpose with credit = Please feel free to repurpose and tailor for your own audience, but please give them credit. |
Re-use = Re-use how you like. |
How to subscribe |
Email the Library = requesting library to email authoring library for details |
Visit website = please visit the authoring library's website for more information or to view the bulletin |