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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Current Awareness List (C)

Name/Topic of the bulletin The intended audience & content it contains Frequency How to subscribe How it can be reused Created by Contact
Cancer This bulletin gathers reports, guidelines and articles indexed in KnowledgeShare, plus practice changing summaries and ‘What’s New in Oncology’ from UpToDate, as well as any books newly purchased for the Library. These are presented alphabetically by type of cancer. Monthly Email the Library ~ Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT
Cancer and Oncology Limited to articles from the Mark Allen Health (MAH) Complete journal collection and so is limited to those journals. Monthly Contact the person responsible for the bulletin. Repurpose with credit  York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital FT
Cardiology This bulletin gathers reports, guidelines and articles indexed in KnowledgeShare, plus practice changing summaries and ‘What’s New in Cardiology’ from UpToDate, as well as any books newly purchased for the Library.  Every two months Email the Library ~ Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT
Carer's Network A digest of recent guidelines, reports, research and best practice for all NHS and wider healthcare staff interested in supporting carers of patients as well NHS staff that are carers themselves. 6 a year Email the Library Repurpose with credit  United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Caring for People with Dementia Suitable for Nurses, AHPs and educated patients & carers. Regular topics include Meaningful Activity, Carers of People with Dementia, and Person-Centred Care. Monthly Email or Can circulate / Re-use Manchester University Foundation Trust
Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Learning Disabilities For NHS staff working in, or with an interest in mental health or learning disability services for children or adolescents. Includes articles, reports guidelines and resources. A brief description is provided for each item.  3 a year Email the Library Send to use, with credit / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS FT
Children and Young People's Health Inequalities Looks at the latest evidence on inequalities affecting children's and young people's health Bi-monthly Email Repurpose with credit  Barts Health NHS Trust
Children and Young People's Mental Health For mental health clinicians or those who work with children and young people concerned with their mental health and wellbeing.  The bulletin has a focus on content concerning community treatments and interventions and service improvement with regards children and young people with experience of mental health conditions, trauma, PTSD, adverse childhood experiences, eating disorders, ADHD, autism, OCD, early symptoms, wellbeing, anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide prevention. Quarterly Email the Library Send to use, with credit  Norfolk and Suffolk NHS FT
Children's Continence ~ ~ ~ ~ Royal United Hospitals Bath FT
Children's Hospices Care Provides an update of the latest publications relating to children with complex needs or palliative and end of life care. 10 a year Visit website Send to use, with credit / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate East Anglia's Children's Hospices
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy  Bulletin covering all aspects of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) aimed at all mental health care professionals or anyone interested in the topic. Complied from monthly search alerts from Pubmed.  Monthly Visit website Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT
Community Health Aimed at clinical staff, but often includes patient information that clinicians can pass on to patients. Fortnightly Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Can circulate Mersey Care NHS FT
Continence  ~ ~ ~ ~ Royal United Hospitals Bath FT
Coronary Care Update The Audience is Trust staff with an interest in this area. The aim of the publication is to bring together a range of recently published research and guidance that will help make evidence-based decisions.  biannual Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate / Re-use East Cheshire NHS Trust
COVID Weekly round-up of the secondary research on COVD-19 from PubMed. Weekly Email the Library Send to use, with credit / Repurpose with credit York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital FT
Critical Care Bulletin of the latest critical care and intensive care medicine articles, reports, guidelines and point of care tool updates. Monthly Email Repurpose with credit  Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
Critical Care Bulletin  The Audience is Trust staff with an interest in this area. The aim of the publication is to bring together a range of recently published research and guidance that will help make evidence-based decisions.  Monthly Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate / Re-use East Cheshire NHS Trust
Current Awareness Bulletin General NHS content and content relating to mental health and learning disabilities. Monthly Email the Library Send to use, with credit  Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS FT