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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Current Awareness List (E)

Name/Topic of the bulletin The intended audience & content it contains Frequency How to subscribe How it can be reused Created by Contact
Eating Disorders Evidence surrounding eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating. Included focus areas on child/adolescent and LGBTQ+ Monthly  Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS FT
Education Reviews some of the latest research and developments in medical, nursing and health education.  Monthly Email John Gale to be added to the mailing list. Re-use  Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS FT
Education  For those with an interest in education, this contains a range of systematic reviews, NICE guidance, Covid-19 updates, recent trial, NIHR Signals and evidence summaries. Monthly Content can be recirculated via Twitter (@UHLCL).   Repurpose with credit / Can circulate University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Emergency Bulletin of the latest articles, reports, guidelines and point of care updates on adult and paediatrics Emergency care, relevant to whole department and prehospital care Monthly Email Send to use, with credit / Repurpose with credit Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
Emergency Department & Patient Flow ~ Quarterly ~ ~ Royal United Hospitals Bath FT
Emergency Preparedness For anyone interested in emergency care. Contains mainly journal articles. Fortnightly Register here: Re-use NHS Ambulance Services in England
End of Life Care ~ ~ ~ ~ Royal United Hospitals Bath FT
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Contains research and new publications covering equality, diversity, inclusion, widening access and participation, relevant to NHS England Workforce, Training & Education. Weekly Sign up via the website: User sign up / Repurpose with credit NHS England Workforce Training and Education 
Evidence Update - Specific topic, e.g. Diabetes and Endocrinology Aimed at clinical and research with an interest in the specialty. It covers systematic reviews and RCTs/ CTs on the topic. Cochrane systematic reviews. Dynamed and UpToDate notices. Updates to NICE guidelines. Recent publications from the region and updates to NICE Guidelines. Bi-monthly to quarterly Email the Library ~ University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Extreme Weather Events The audience is UK Health Security Agency, NHS England, Department of Health and Social Care, and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. Monthy visit website: Repurpose with credit / Can circulate UK Health Security Agency