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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Current Awareness List (G)

Name/Topic of the bulletin The intended audience & content it contains Frequency How to subscribe How it can be reused Created by Contact
Gastroenterology and Nutrition For those with an interest in gastroenterology and nutrition, this contains a range of systematic reviews, NICE guidance, Covid-19 updates, recent trial, NIHR Signals and evidence summaries. Bi-monthly On Twitter Repurpose with credit / Can circulate University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Gastroenterology Update The Audience is Trust staff with an interest in this area. The aim of the publication is to bring together a range of recently published research and guidance that will help make evidence-based decisions.  Quarterly Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate / Re-use East Cheshire NHS Trust
General practice/primary care This is a bulletin for GPs, advanced nurse practitioners and others in general practice. Bi-monthly  Email the Library Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Re-use NHS Borders (Scotland)
General Surgery For those with an interest in general surgery , this contains a range of systematic reviews, NICE guidance, Covid-19 updates, recent trial, NIHR Signals and evidence summaries. Bi-monthly On Twitter Repurpose with credit / Can circulate University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Global Health Security The audience is UK Health Security Agency, NHS England, Department of Health and Social Care, and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. Monthly visit website: Repurpose with credit / Can circulate UK Health Security Agency
Greater Manchester Mental Health (GMMH) Trust Authors  A bulletin listing publications by GMMH Trust authors.  Data is taken from a Pubmed search  Monthly Visit website Send to use, with credit / User sign up / Repurpose with credit / Can circulate Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT
Guidelines This bulletin collates guidance published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), other bodies that oversee, support and deliver health and social care in England, the Royal Colleges and national societies, indexed in NICE Evidence Search. Guidelines or guideline commentaries recently published as journal articles, where an author is affiliated to a UK/NHS organisation, are also included. These are presented to assist in the aim of continuously improving the quality of care and outcomes for patients; and are arranged broadly by specialty. Daily Email the Library ~ Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT