It's Great Up North took place in Harrogate on the 6-7 June 2019. The programme for day 2 of the event is below with links to presentations where available.


Friday 7 June 2019

Three Minutes of Mayhem

Julie Potter - Library Assistant Study Days - Winner of best 3 minutes of mayhem

Rebecca Arnold - Roddy the elf: the next chapter

Maria Grant - How to Become More Confident in Communicating Our Work

Claire Masterman - Project Choice

Maria Simões / Ryan Ford - Popping-up across Leeds: taking the library to where the user is


30 Second Posters
See It's Great Up North - Posters, Bake Off, Exhibitors and Winners 


Parallel Sessions - Presentations
Sinead English - Promoting the health and wellbeing benefits of our library service - Winner of best conference session

Helen Curtis - Please could we paint your pebbles? Art students in the hospital

Carl Challinor - Improving delivery of healthy messages via innovative presentation and utilisation of health promotion resources

Emily Hurt - The Professional Doctorate - the journey from imposter syndrome to inner smile

Jane Roberts & Rebecca Stansfield - Supporting Tissue Viability Nurses

Rachel Steele - Working with Cochrane and supporting systematic reviews

Sarah Catton - Making the move from business desk research to public health evidence; what is the same, what is different and the weird and wonderful in-betweens

Sue Steele - Helping terrified GP Trainees interpret healthcare statistics

Lisa Dransfield - Harvesting the Knowledge of Foundation Year 1 Doctors

Dom Gilroy - Practicing what we preach: Examples of the use of KM techniques by HEE Library and Knowledge Service Leads

Daniel Froste - Knowledge Management for apprentices at Barnsley Hospital

Claire Bradshaw - Resilience

Parallel Sessions – Workshops 

Emily Hurt - Overcoming barriers to starting research

Sue Steele - Using quiz apps in teaching sessions

Samantha Gavaghan, Sylvia Hughes, Claire Masterman, Rachel Steele and Joanne Naughton - Health literacy: it affects us all, all of the time and we can do something about it!

Lisa Jenkinson - Patients and Patience

Suzanne Wilson - How can health librarians support strategic change?

Claire Bradshaw - Street Wisdom

Closing Session
Keynote 3 - Information literacy and learning for health and wellbeing: Jane Secker, Senior Lecturer Educational Development, City, University of London and Lisa Jeskins, Independent Consultant

Prizes for bake off, posters, minutes of mayhem, quiz and best conference session – David Stewart