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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Reflections on the online 'Value and impact in libraries' event

I booked onto the ‘Value and impact in libraries’ event not fully knowing what to expect but aware of the importance of demonstrating how valuable and impactful our work is to our colleagues and stakeholders. In the current economic climate, it feels more important than ever to have evidence at our fingertips for financial decision making, service improvements and meeting quality standards.…

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Working with the Patient Experience team

Working with the Patient Experience (PE) team was an opportunity for the LKS to better support this team and also a continuing professional development opportunity for me to explore new ways of working. I worked with my PE colleagues for 2 days a week in October 2022 for an initial 3-month period which was then extended to end in September 2023. The PE team works with staff across the Trust, bringing together a variety of feedback from patients, relatives and carers; staff can then utilise this feedback to improve services. The team also manage the Trust volunteers.…

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