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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Two days in Dundee: the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum 2024

I’ve been attending this annual event since I started my PhD researching health and care knowledge and library specialists’ role in knowledge mobilization within and beyond their organisations. Unlike most of the conferences and training sessions that we attend as library professionals, the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum isn’t primarily targeted at librarians or indeed any particular professional group; it is aimed at anyone “with a passion for ensuring that knowledge makes a positive difference to society”. Typical attendees include students, practitioners, researchers, academics, policy makers and civil servants. It is always a very interactive event, providing a space for sharing knowledge, experiences and methods through such things as a knowledge fayre, storytelling, an ideas jam and interactive poster plenaries.…

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Mobilising Evidence and Knowledge to support informed decision making in Clinical Informatics

I work within the Clinical Governance team at NHS Digital. We recently organised the NHS Clinical Informatics Congress. In addition to providing management support to the event I was responsible for the exhibitor’s area, encouraging and assisting our clinicians to produce poster presentations to showcase their work at the congress. I was keen to lead by example and take the opportunity to present my own work and showcase how knowledge management is embedded in clinical informatics at NHS Digital.…

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Knowledge mobilisation and impact on Patient Care - Working like a dog: exploring the Role of Animal-Assisted Therapy.

‘Wag & Company’, a charity which provides animal assisted therapy to older people, was launched in May 2016. The Charity matches and enables professionally assessed volunteers and their dogs, known as ‘Visiting Wag Teams’, to safely offer one to two hour visits per week to older people in a variety of different settings across the North East region. The initiative to investigate the benefits of pet therapy at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust first came from a ward based therapy team working on the elderly care unit to help patients with dementia. Information gathered from the wider literature revealed evidence to support the benefits of ‘Animal Assisted Therapy’ in helping to reduce anxiety, improve physical health, cognitive function and overall health and well-being.…

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Pedagogy with popcorn: cinematic approaches to information skills training (Applying learning from a 2022 LILAC conference seminar on health literacy training)

If you’ve ever been to the Libraries and Information Literacy (LILAC) conference, or any other library conference for that matter, you’ll know just how unsettling it can be to clock the same people you saw presenting deep pedagogical theories on the practice of teaching in the afternoon, now sporting a cocktail dress at the evening’s gala dinner. Yet we all appreciate that there’s a business and a casual side to everyone, and not just in the fashion department.…

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Making online events interactive: the experience of the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum organisers

When organising events, things often fall into a pattern. We have the tick list of venue checks, timelines for communication and constructing the programme. In 2020, everything was prepped for the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum in March, and only weeks before Covid-19 forced the organisers to cancel the event. Like so many committees, we had no idea what the future would hold. By summer 2020, we knew we wanted to hold the Forum and that online was our safest option.…

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Looking to the future: Learning from the response to Covid

Following the first wave of Covid, Tracey Pratchett was involved in a trust project to capture key learning to assist with planning for the second wave and inform organisational culture in the longer term. This piece discusses her involvement in the work and reviews the tools that they used to capture learning.…

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Is there a crossover between Organisational Development (OD) and Library and Knowledge Services (LKS)?

Recently Health Education England funded me for a two-day course at Henley Business School on Advancing your Change & OD Practice. Their purpose was to support the Knowledge for Healthcare agenda on knowledge mobilisation. My purpose was to understand where we fit in the Trust’s OD agenda. Over the last couple of years we’ve given increasing amounts of support to our OD department and chatting to our head of OD has revealed that we’re both interested in the same kinds of subjects.…

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Not quite seven stories

This year the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum was held at Seven Stories: The National Centre for Children’s Books in Newcastle. It was an instant hit with the organising committee and conference…

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