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Library Knowledge Services (North)

The library video…

Seen Ridley Scott’s Napoleon and you want to make a library video? What could go wrong? It could be an epic tale of eBooks and eBook worms. The library video is a niche genre of not much explored content. If you must contribute, then here are ten tips on what to do and what not to do based entirely on my own experience and many continuing failures.…

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Ten things to do as an Exhibitor at a conference

I recently attended the Ambulance Leadership Forum event as an Exhibitor, the first in person event since COVID19 wiped the calendar clean. Pre COVID, LKS ASE exhibited at many events and occasionally presented as well. Being an Exhibitor is a unique experience, essentially waiting in a hall, ante room or dining room for Delegates to come out for their breaks and meals and hopefully engage you in conversation. Typically, Exhibitors represent publisher's, lifesaving equipment suppliers, professional organisations and medical goods suppliers. There is plenty of time to reflect (and work) between the breaks, one of those reflections was what does it take to be a good Exhibitor. So, here are my top ten tips.…

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