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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Reflections on the online 'Value and impact in libraries' event

I booked onto the ‘Value and impact in libraries’ event not fully knowing what to expect but aware of the importance of demonstrating how valuable and impactful our work is to our colleagues and stakeholders. In the current economic climate, it feels more important than ever to have evidence at our fingertips for financial decision making, service improvements and meeting quality standards.…

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Making online events interactive: the experience of the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum organisers

When organising events, things often fall into a pattern. We have the tick list of venue checks, timelines for communication and constructing the programme. In 2020, everything was prepped for the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum in March, and only weeks before Covid-19 forced the organisers to cancel the event. Like so many committees, we had no idea what the future would hold. By summer 2020, we knew we wanted to hold the Forum and that online was our safest option.…

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