YOHHLNet aims to support the continuing professional development of all library staff working in YOHHLNet member organisations.
Here you can find out more about YOHHLNet CPD resources and opportunities, forthcoming events, information about bursaries, event presentations and shared reflections and learning from colleagues.
The current YOHHLNet CPD lead is Helen Swales. Please contact her directly on helen.swales@nhs.net for any queries about CPD, or any ideas for events that you would like to see run.
- Critical Appraisal
We have a peer-to-peer support group across YOHHLNet for anyone who is new to running critical appraisal training and/ or journal clubs. We are also looking to establish a repository of resources, papers, videos etc, to share what went well and what didn't go quite so well. If you are interested in any of this, please contact Federica Bianchini direct via email federica.bianchini@bdct.nhs.uk
CPD Bursaries
YOHHLNet offers a number of bursary awards to support the continuing professional development of all health library and knowledge services staff working in YOHHLNet member organisations.
Throughout the year, YOHHLNet will put out a call for bursary applications to attend library conferences (e.g. CILIP, HLG, etc.)
To apply for a bursary, please complete the form and send it to Helen Swales
These bursaries are open to staff working in health library and knowledge services in YOHHLNet member organisations, and in the event of over subscription, we would look to prioritise colleagues who have not previously received a bursary from YOHHLNet.
If there are any queries, please don’t hesitate to let Helen know, and we look forward to your applications.
All completed bursary sponsorship application forms should be returned to Helen Swales
Successful YOHHLNet bursary recipients are also asked to record and write up their learning and reflections from the CPD events they have attended to share with YOHHLNet colleagues.
CPD Book Collections
The YOHHLNet CPD book collection is designed to support the professional development of library and information colleagues. It is kindly hosted by Rotherham NHS FT Library and Knowledge Service, but is available to all library staff across the north of England to make use of.
This collection can be searched via the catalogue
All the books in the CPD collection are indexed with the location ‘Librarianship collection’
If you would like to borrow a book, please email library.healthcare@rothgen.nhs.uk and we will post the book out to you. The YOHHLNet CPD collection also includes a number of e-books funded by YOHHLNet for its members to use. Please please email library.healthcare@rothgen.nhs.uk to register for an account to access the CPD e-book collection.
The HCLU Staff Library Collection is a collection of books and journals that are of interest or relevance to LKS staff. These resources are available to all members of the 3 North of England networks. The collection covers a range of subjects including:
- Librarianship and library science
- Knowledge management
- Teaching and training
- Library services
- Copyright
- Personnel
- Management
- Electronic information resources
This collection is available to all library staff who work for members of the Northern networks. The collection can be searched via the catalogue. To restrict your search to HCLU Staff Library resources only, please use the search term 'HCLU'. If you would like to borrow a book, please email rgh-tr.libraryhealthcare@nhs.net and we will post the book out to you.
Shadowing Opportunities
Job shadowing is an on-the-job informal learning activity allowing you to work alongside and 'observe' someone doing a particular role. The experience of job shadowing allows you to learn more about particular aspects of what someone does and gain knowledge and an understanding of activities they undertake.
To find out more about YOHHLNet job shadowing opportunities, please search our directory of colleagues willing to provide or host opportunities for job shadowing across the network. Please contact the 'hosts' directly to discuss your learning needs - what you'd like to learn more about and arrange your shadowing opportunity.
Here you can find an archive of shared learning and reflections written by YOHHLNet colleagues about the CPD events they have attended.
Here you can find speaker's presentations from YOHHLNet CPD events.