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Library Knowledge Services (North)

LIHNN visit to LMI

Opposite Liverpool’s Catholic cathedral and next door to the Everyman theatre Liverpool Medical Institute is an unassuming Classical building in Hobnob-coloured stone. Two columns on the main entrance give it the air of a Post Office with delusions of grandeur, or perhaps the home of one of the University’s less-fashionable departments, anthropology or theology perhaps.…

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The LIHNN AGM in Liverpool, 6th June

I’m really pleased to be sharing my experience of the recent LIHNN AGM in Liverpool, my first event of this kind. I was amazed by the generosity of the event; pastries, an endless supply of tea, a fantastic lunch and the warm welcome from the organisers.…

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Reflections on my experience at LILAC 2023

I was lucky enough to be awarded a bursary by LIHNN to attend LILAC 2023 at the University of Cambridge in April. It was a fantastic three days of networking, ample canapés, and of course, lots of interesting sessions on all aspects of information literacy. Below I have summarised my personal highlights:…

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Attending My First LIHNN AGM

On Monday 20 June 2022, I attended the LIHNN AGM 2022 at The Storey in Lancaster. There was a lot of excitement because it was the first “in person” meeting since before COVID. Add that I am new to the post and had never been to Lancaster, I was really looking forward to it!…

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So long and thanks for all the……

There are some moments in your life that are incredibly important but at the time feel like they are going to be incredibly trivial. Naturally as this is the David issue of Northern Lights I’m going to share one that involves him and probably one which he has absolutely no memory of.…

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