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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Reflections on the online 'Value and impact in libraries' event

I booked onto the ‘Value and impact in libraries’ event not fully knowing what to expect but aware of the importance of demonstrating how valuable and impactful our work is to our colleagues and stakeholders. In the current economic climate, it feels more important than ever to have evidence at our fingertips for financial decision making, service improvements and meeting quality standards.…

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Mobilising Evidence and Knowledge to support informed decision making in Clinical Informatics

I work within the Clinical Governance team at NHS Digital. We recently organised the NHS Clinical Informatics Congress. In addition to providing management support to the event I was responsible for the exhibitor’s area, encouraging and assisting our clinicians to produce poster presentations to showcase their work at the congress. I was keen to lead by example and take the opportunity to present my own work and showcase how knowledge management is embedded in clinical informatics at NHS Digital.…

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Developing effective networks for change and improvement

Last year I did an online course on Developing Effective Networks for Change and Improvement #DEN4CI delivered by Source for Networks and London South Bank University. Here I want to highlight the resources available on the website and the course that you might find useful in your networks.…

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