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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Emergency! Emergency! Major Incident Planning on the Isle of Man

It’s been a bad few years for hypothetical Noble’s Hospital. Last month an explosion at the Triumph factory caused a cloud of poisonous gas, a few years ago there was a plane crash, before that a fairground ride fell on a crowd, and, of course, there was the horrible accident at the Ramsey Sprint motorbike event. Apart from there wasn’t, because none of these things actually happened, but they could, and that’s why each year the Isle of Man runs a major incident exercise.…

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LIHNN visit to LMI

Opposite Liverpool’s Catholic cathedral and next door to the Everyman theatre Liverpool Medical Institute is an unassuming Classical building in Hobnob-coloured stone. Two columns on the main entrance give it the air of a Post Office with delusions of grandeur, or perhaps the home of one of the University’s less-fashionable departments, anthropology or theology perhaps.…

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Research and the library – don’t forget about us!

Recently, I attended an event titled ‘Expanding Research within Roles and Developing Partnerships’ hosted by our research team. The event highlighted the diverse research roles within the Trust, showcased current research projects, and featured a range of speakers from both within and outside the Trust.…

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Two days in Dundee: the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum 2024

I’ve been attending this annual event since I started my PhD researching health and care knowledge and library specialists’ role in knowledge mobilization within and beyond their organisations. Unlike most of the conferences and training sessions that we attend as library professionals, the UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum isn’t primarily targeted at librarians or indeed any particular professional group; it is aimed at anyone “with a passion for ensuring that knowledge makes a positive difference to society”. Typical attendees include students, practitioners, researchers, academics, policy makers and civil servants. It is always a very interactive event, providing a space for sharing knowledge, experiences and methods through such things as a knowledge fayre, storytelling, an ideas jam and interactive poster plenaries.…

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Reflections on the online 'Value and impact in libraries' event

I booked onto the ‘Value and impact in libraries’ event not fully knowing what to expect but aware of the importance of demonstrating how valuable and impactful our work is to our colleagues and stakeholders. In the current economic climate, it feels more important than ever to have evidence at our fingertips for financial decision making, service improvements and meeting quality standards.…

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NHS Library and Health Promotion Services: managing funding uncertainty

Funding cuts are the ever-present worry in NHS libraries, forcing Library Managers to constantly re-evaluate how we deliver services with limited resources. And for those of us in the even smaller niche of NHS libraries who still run Health Promotion Resource centres in tandem with Public Health and Local Authorities (there are just a few of us nationally) the threat of funding cuts can be even more existential and dramatic since bankruptcy feels right behind the corner.…

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Northern Soul collection at Lynfield Mount Hospital

My name is Ethanual Crabtree, and I am a Graduate Trainee Librarian at Lynfield Mount Hospital in Bradford, West Yorkshire. My role in the library includes many responsibilities such as being on the front counter desk, being first point of call for staff on site, supporting the librarians, and being involved in the development of the Health Promotion resources. Within our Health Promotion collection there is a reminiscence section which is frequently used for older peoples’ services. This is looking to be updated currently as the generation of people changes and what they knew in their younger life is different. This can be from childhood to adult age and include objects such as toys, tv shows, music and even household items. Carl Challinor and I sat down and discussed what could be relevant to the North of England as well as something being a middle ground for age groups. Through many side-tracks we came out with Northern Soul!…

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