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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Impact Case Study - Contributing to Women's Care

There is something very Victoria Wood about the words “pelvic floor” also known as, lower your voice for this bit, “women’s’ problems”, but it is great to be involved with a research project that is relevant to all women particularly those of a certain age.…

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Remember, remember: reflecting on Knowvember 2022

As KNOWvember comes into view once more, here at Pennine Care we have been reflecting on our activities for 2022. The theme last year was breaking down the barriers to mobilising knowledge in the NHS. We used the Knowledge Management tool to examine those barriers and review what steps we could take to overcome them…

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Guardians of the Universe

Just to prove I don’t just attend these things just to have a nice day out (although a day trip to York is always very enjoyable – thank you) Nick Poole’s presentation at the YOHHLNet Summer event, June 2023, on the theme of the celebration of 100 years of CILIP got me thinking.…

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