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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Dear All…closed until further notice…

On 16th March the first emails started to arrive from our library colleagues around the region telling us that due to the spread of Corona Virus cases in the UK their services would be closed until further notice. That was just three weeks ago, but it feels like a lifetime. At that point the UK had 41 reported Covid-19 deaths, as we write this on 7th April; we have now lost 6,159 NHS patients to this virus.…

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A Day in the Life of a Home-Worker

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, most of us are working differently to the way we usually would. At Greater Manchester Mental Health (GMMH), both of our library sites have closed and we are providing virtual library services from home. Working from home is both a challenge and an opportunity, so here’s my personal experience of surviving it through a typical daily routine!…

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New Starter - Iris (Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust)

Hi everyone, I’m Iris and I’ve recently joined Andrew, Helen, Erica and Dawn at the Evidence Service in Mersey Care. I’m training to become a fully-fledged researcher, doing literature based discovery, this is my first time working in healthcare so everything is quite new to me.…

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Going virtual

I am watching with interest as eMails announcing that one NHS library service after another has “gone virtual”. It’s a process that has many dimensions, new software and new ways of working in teams. Anyway, as a lone home worker I don’t have any insights into remote team working and I don’t have any additional special software. So I thought I would share some reflections on the intangible aspects of running a virtual service. Things I am guessing that might be over looked in the excitement of change!…

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So we are all working from home now

I have just read a piece on the BBC website that had the wise advice to get dressed. Really. I have to tell you I am writing this wearing … hmm … perhaps we won’t go there dear reader. Rest assured all the important bits are covered. Anyway I can reveal that lots of underemployed scribes are going to be writing lots of rubbish at 50p a word on working from home. This advice is based on experience and it’s free.…

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