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Library Knowledge Services (North)

Hello from East Lancashire's new Assistant Librarian

My name is Amy Ward and I’ve just joined the team at East Lancashire Hospitals Trust. I will mainly be supporting our Clinical Librarian with literature searching and outreach activities. I completed my library traineeship at the University of Bradford in 2014/15. This is where I got my first taste of health librarianship, shadowing the health studies librarian Donna delivering PICO research sessions to the students. I graduated from my MA in Librarianship in 2018 and I have previously worked in further and higher education libraries.…

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By Royal Appointment

In June 2017 a library colleague and I were discussing the celebrity recipients of the Queen’s Birthday Honours. We began to toy with the idea of nominating one of the clinicians who uses our service for an award. The clinician was well regarded in her field, an active researcher with numerous published works and a long career in the NHS. Definitely the sort of candidate you’d expect to be honoured. We presumed it would be an easy process, fill out a couple of forms and then wait for the invitation from the palace………

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Easy access to journal articles – our most popular training course ever!

For several years, the Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) NHS Trust Library team has subscribed to BrowZine (from ThirdIron) for LCH users. In 2020 we extended the subscription to include NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) staff, including all primary care colleagues in Leeds, giving a much more consistent service to our users.…

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Looking North: Introducing Ruth Carlyle

How do you follow on from a legend? With the retirement of David Stewart, it is my very great pleasure to work with knowledge and library services in the North West, North East and Yorkshire. Thank you to Northern Lights for the opportunity to introduce myself and my role.…

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FestivIL by LILAC

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic the annual Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) festival had to be postponed for another year. Stepping into its place was FestivIL, an online event organised by the LILAC Committee. The event aimed to bring the information literacy community together and allowed them to share their knowledge and experiences.…

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The impact of library news during the COVID-19 pandemic

Prior to the pandemic the library at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Trust produced a monthly newsletter of about four pages with information on library resources, outreach and staff news. The newsletter goes out to several hundred staff; recipients generally sign up to receive it when they join the library. Once we entered the first lockdown the library staff were working from home and it was decided the library news should be fortnightly to keep users informed about the latest service developments. We had been taking it in turns to edit the newsletter but I volunteered to become the sole editor.…

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