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Library Knowledge Services (North)

A Whole New World

No one can deny the devastating impact of COVID-19, and the effect this has had on the NHS. The library environment has adapted with the introduction of sanitation stations and the installation of screens and individual pods. Where possible, services have become virtual and social media has become a vehicle for communication and engagement with colleagues.…

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LibKey Nomad – closing the gap with document supply requests

Once we’d got LibKey Nomad installed on all laptops and PCs across the Trust, we identified there was a gap that needed to be filled. If someone was searching on Google Scholar and we didn’t have a subscription to a particular journal, LibKey Nomad would flag it up with an ‘Access Options’ button. This button would lead the library user to a page where they were advised we didn’t have a current subscription and the user hit the proverbial dead end. We knew we had to provide a solution, in order to fulfil our commitment to seamless access to our resources.…

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Digital Library Induction via PageTiger during the Covid-19 pandemic

Before the changes in working norms due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the library service at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (BHNFT) was proactive in introducing new members of staff to library services during the formal induction process. The library was represented during corporate induction and library staff worked with departments to deliver tailored induction in the library for certain staff groups. But from March 2020, the trust ended all face-to-face training and induction to limit social contact as a consequence of the pandemic, resulting in a requirement to deliver virtual inductions. This case study presents how the library service approached this, by creating an interactive library induction leaflet via PageTiger.…

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