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Library Knowledge Services (North)

The Covid Whirlwind: JET Library Experience

It is challenging thinking back and to be honest it feels a little bit like a luxury. We talk about a ‘new normal’ but in reality, the library has always stumbled from one crisis to another. We have always adapted to the needs of the organisation. It will also continue to do so and what that looks like yet is still an unknown. What has been different for Covid, was despite being well placed; it still blew in and left us topsy turvy.…

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New starter - Katie Roper

I’m Katie Roper, the newly appointed outreach Librarian for Lancashire and South Cumbria. My role involves supporting all Trust staff, students and service users to efficiently and effectively use resources to support evidence based practice. I have to admit, it’s rather surreal starting a new job in the middle of a pandemic but the support I have already received has been fantastic.…

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Becky Williams – HEE New Starter

It is a strange time to start a new role. When I was offered the role of LKS Development Manager back at the end of February, I didn’t imagine that I would start the job sitting in our spare room/office surrounded by the kids old toys. However, here we are! Like everyone else, I am adjusting to our new ways of working and that includes changing roles by swapping laptops. However, despite the difficult circumstances, I am very much enjoying the new role and I have been made to feel very welcome. I was also impressed that my laptop arrived on time and my IT access was set-up without any delays, so it is all systems go!…

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Virtually over …

We may be going back to work in the new normal.  A very, very clean and socially distanced workplace.  As eMails go out on the lists about the process of reintegrating into our physical libraries what will we remember about the time when the virtual library was the new normal?…

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When is a Systematic Review not a Systematic Review? OR How can a library service with a minimal level of staff support systematic reviews?

My Trust, that covers acute and community services in Northern Lincolnshire and part of East Yorkshire, serves a population of 350,000 and employs approximately 6,500 staff. Trust Library Services consists of two staffed site libraries and one small library resource room that is not staffed. Professionally qualified staff in my service consist of two full time staff, supported by 2.44 whole time equivalent para professionals.…

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Do something … !

Another blog Matt? Well I am following my own advice that you are at work when you are thinking about work even if you are in the garden. Also the possibly contradictory advice, presentism in front of the laptop is pretty pointless if you are working from home. When the job is done do something else. So in the garden, punctuated by quixotic charges across the lawn with my hoe to chase off the rabbits I have been thinking about how to respond to COVID19 in particular about guides to resources.…

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Dear All…closed until further notice…

On 16th March the first emails started to arrive from our library colleagues around the region telling us that due to the spread of Corona Virus cases in the UK their services would be closed until further notice. That was just three weeks ago, but it feels like a lifetime. At that point the UK had 41 reported Covid-19 deaths, as we write this on 7th April; we have now lost 6,159 NHS patients to this virus.…

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